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Continuing Education

The NC Institute for Public Health (NCIPH) at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health provides both orientation training and ongoing training for local public health governing boards in North Carolina.


Options for Organizing and Governing a Local Health Department <New August 18 2022>

These training slides and the accompanying video were provided by the UNC School of Government's Kristi Nickodem, an attorney and Assistant Professor of Public Law and Government. These are excellent resources for Board of Health members as part of an overall Governance training program. If you need to verify your participation in this training for purposes of receiving CE credit or as part of providing documentation for your health department’s accreditation process, a CE self-reporting form is provided here.   Download the training slides here and watch the video here.


Roles and Responsibilities of Local Public Health Governing Boards

This training is provided through funding support from the Local Technical Assistance & Training Branch within the NC Division of Public Health. This two-hour classroom-based session is led by an experienced, retired health director or by a former board of health member and meets NC Local Health Department Accreditation requirement 36.2 which stipulates all new board of health members receive training and reference materials on the authorities and responsibilities of the local board of health within the first year after appointment to a board.

Learn more.


On-going Training for Local Public Health Governing Boards

NCIPH offers a number of training opportunities for local public health governing boards looking to meet ongoing board training requirements for accreditation (i.e., Activity 36.3) or local board policies for regular/annual training.

Through a collaboration with the NC AHEC Program, NCIPH can provide expert speakers on topics such as accreditation, community health assessment, community health improvement and evidence-based public health. In addition, NCIPH provides online trainings which may be used as self-paced learning for individual board members or used for group training.

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NC Board of Health Rulemaking Authority <New in 2021>

This online training is designed to explain rulemaking authority as it applies to a local board of health including the board’s general authority to make rules, limitations on this authority, and procedural requirements that NC law imposes on the rulemaking process. The training may be accessed as needed for “just-in-time” training when boards are actively engaged in rulemaking or used towards meeting requirements for ongoing training for board of health members.

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Introduction to Public Health in NC

This free online series of six short modules serves as a basic introduction to the practice of public health in North Carolina.

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Boards of Health Resources

NCIPH has compiled a page of resources for local public health governing boards including links to state and national agencies who provide training materials and resources.

Learn more.

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