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Selected Bibliography

Many times, we want more information on preparation of board members in the advocacy area. Listed below is a selected advocacy bibliography each of you can refer to for basic and advanced information in this area.


Advocacy from A to Z 

Robert R. Blackburn, Barbara R. Blackburn, Ronald Williamson

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York and London

1st edition, 2018


American Public Health Association, APHA Advocates Handbook:  A Guide for Effective Public Health Advocacy, American Public Health Association, Washington, 1999


Daly, John. Advocacy:  Championing Ideas and Influencing  Others.
Yale University Press, New Haven, 2011.

Eyerman, Ron and Andrew Jamison, Music and Social Movements: Mobilizing Traditions in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998


Franklin,Holly, Advocating for the Public¹s Health:  A Training Manual, Association of North Carolina Boards of Health and NCPH, 2001


Guilfoyle, Kimberly.  Making the Case:  How to be Your  Own Best Advocate. HarperCollins, 2015
Gladwell, Malcolm, The Tipping Point How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Little, Brown and Company, New York, 2000, Abacus (Paperback) 2002

Kush, Christopher, The One-Hour Activist:  The 15 Most Powerful Actions You Can Take to Fight for the Issues and Candidates You Care About, Jossey-Bass, New York, 2004


Kush, Christopher, Cybercitizen: How to Use Your Computer to Fight for All the Issues You Care About, St. Martin¹s Griffin, New York  2000


Kush, Christopher, Grassroots Games:  Preparing Your Advocates for the Political Arena, American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), Washington, 2004


Lencioni, Patrick. Silos, Politics and Turf Wars. Jossey-Bass, New York, 2006.

Loue, Sana, Linda Lloyd and Donald O' Shea, Community Health Advocacy, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003


Rosen, Emanuel, The Anatomy of Buzz: How to Create Word-of-Mouth Marketing, Doubleday & Company, New York, 2000


Stobbe, Mike.  Surgeon General’s Warning.   University of California  Press , 2014.

Wallack, Lawrence, Lori Dorfman, David Jernigan, and Makani Themba, Media Advocacy and Public Health, Sage Publication, New York, 1993


North Carolina Legislative Library: The Legislative Library supports the research and information needs of the Legislature, its committees and staff. The Library also offers services to other state agencies and provides limited reference services to the general public.


- Submitted by Robert Blackburn, February 2007

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