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February (Health Equity - Public Health and Pharmacy Partnerships, BOH liability, Pharmacist prescribed contraceptives)
June (PFAS and MNP (Forever Chemicals) in Today’s World, Cancer and cancer surveillance resources in NC)
August (Ideas for sharing and BOH action:  chronic disease prevention, gun violence, environmental health)
October (Focus on immunizations, reporting animal rabies cases to the public, Zyn(TM)-an oral nicotine pouch)

January (view 8 community-based action items for Board of Health Members plus FAQs about the BOH)
June (North Carolinian, Dr. Mandy Cohen, Tapped for Leadership Position at CDC)
(PFOS/PFAS water advisory, firearms injuries and death: a public health issue, 2023 Awards, and more)
November (Healthcare worker burnout, Triple viral threat, State Health Improvement Plan updated, BOH Chair network)

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